Remembrance Day Tribute
First Team

Remembrance Day Tribute

10th November 2023

 Remembrance Day Tribute

St Johnstone is delighted to welcome representatives from 7 SCOTS, Veteran, RAF and Navy for Remembrance Day tomorrow when he host Ross County in the cinch Premiership. 

A minute's silence was observed this morning at 11am by all members of playing & office staff here at St Johnstone.

Pre-match there will be a number of tributes paid in honour of those who have fallen.

We would invite anyone wishing to partake in paying tribute, to be in your seat NO LATER than 2.50pm

14:51 – Club Chaplain invites all to stand. Remembrance Liturgy. Laying of wreaths by St Johnstone CEO Stan Harris & Ross County CEO Steven Ferguson.

14:54 – Bugler plays ‘Last Post’

14:55 – Piper plays ‘Lament’

14:56 - Teams exit onto the pitch

14:57 – Club Chaplain initiates the Minute Silence

14:58 – Bugler plays “Reveille’ to end the Minute Silence. The Remembrance parade exits the pitch.

14:59 – Coin Toss

15:00 – Kick Off

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